Neil Fisher Horton
An established and trusted firm practicing throughout California as well as in federal courts, Horton & Roberts handles legal matters in a wide variety of trust and estate, tax, and business areas:
* Estate and Trust Litigation
* Federal and State Taxation
* Tax Litigation
* Tax Planning
* Estate Planning
* Trust Administration
* Estate and Trust Mediation
* Conservatorships and Guardianships
* Special Needs Trusts
* Charitable Gifts
* Life Insurance Trusts
* Durable Powers of Attorney
* Advance Health Care Directives
* Elder Law
* Probate
* Computer Law
* Business Entity Organization and Operation
* Disputes with the IRS
* Computer and Software Development Law and Licensing
* Contract Review and Drafting
* Closely-Held Businesses
* Limited Liability Companies
* Partnerships
* Purchase or Sale and Dissolution of Business Entities
* Corporate Law
* Intellectual Property
* Copyrights
* Licensing Agreements
* Trade Secrets
Neil F Horton
Horton & Roberts LLP
1901 Harrison St #1500
Oakland CA 94612
Tel: 510 452-2133
Fax: 510 452-2280
